Written by Gregangelo Herrera

My personal journey of achieving self-actualization is likely as long and arduous as anyone’s. It never ends; the more “self-realized” one becomes, the more one realizes there’s so much more potential, possibility, and probability based on accomplishments. So, it is a never-ending journey. Once it ends, I believe you’ve ceased living.
Being an artist working outside of a “system” diminishes a sense of belonging. We literally exist within a status quo, culture, and an economy that tells us we don’t belong, that we are not valuable, that we’re not serious, and often that we’re lazy. The truth is quite the opposite.
I often joke but am quite serious that most people would not survive my morning commute of roller skating across the streets of San Francisco or horseback riding over a mountain. It may seem far-fetched, but that’s my choice of transportation to stay physically and mentally focused, skilled, alert, and ultimately aware of all my surroundings and people in urban settings and wilderness, flora, and fauna in rural environments.

Then there is the ultimate challenge of being entrepreneurial enough to stay afloat in an often brutal economy without any employment benefits. We artists are responsible for our own health benefits, creating ways to earn our wages, and contributing socially meaningful artistry that people value and pay for.
Through all of this, the arts provide tools for self-discovery daily, sometimes by the hour or even the moment when we are doing immersive theater, up close and personal with strangers. By taking a “leap of faith,” we are always free-falling without a safety net and without an umbrella. Consequently, the possibilities are infinite and limitless, but we have to work extraordinarily hard to remain accomplished.
In my decades of experience, I have found that the key to self-realization is through connection. Connection, to me, is remaining connected to myself by taking care of my physical being, my carnal self, and my spiritual self, incorporating all into every moment of every day. There might be a few rituals involved along the way, but they change, have no real dogma other than always trying to find a balance in practicing acceptance and connection.
In unlocking my full potential, I surround myself with people of all generations who challenge me, whom I can challenge in return, and who have different views and perspectives but ultimately collaborate together to create meaningful work and experiences.
It is important to note that self-discipline goes hand-in-hand with self-realization. Without self-realization, there is no unlocking your full potential. Perseverance and dedication are the key.
One of our current projects at the Gregangelo Museum is a collaboration with fortune-tellers and diviners to create a new experience called “The Seeker and The Sage,” a journey of self-discovery to unlock individual potential as you confront five sages and let the sage within you emerge.
We look forward to seeing you here on this entertainingly whimsical journey of self-discovery.